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We believe that everything we have comes from God, and that giving is part of our response to him. God has given so extravagantly to us and we want to be a people who do the same and show others what He is like. It is the generosity of the church family that enables us to partner in his kingdom purpose for Falmouth and Beyond.
There are three ways you can give to Falmouth Light and Life. All giving is massively appreciated and fuels the life of the church and our community engagement work.
1. Through your bank (Non-Gift Aid)
Please set up a regular giving Standing Order, or one-off gifts by BACS transfer. Regular giving allows us to budget more effectively, and so is
incredibly helpful.
To arrange payments through your bank, our account details are:
Llyods Bank
Account no: 26066468
Sort Code: 30.96.56
Account name: Light and Life Free Methodist Church West Cornwall
Ref: Fal.Gen
2. In person
We have a collection bowl at the back of the church available for any cash gifts on a Sunday.
3. Gift aid
There is a separate bank account for gifts that are made under Gift Aid. After you have sent in the Gift Aid declaration, you will advised of a Falmouth Light and Life reference number. This ensures that we recover the Tax for Falmouth Light and Life. The Gift Aid bank account details are shown below. Please use these to set up your Standing order when you have received your Gift Aid reference number.
Llyods Bank
Account no: 26073560
Sort Code: 30-96-56
Account name: Light and Life Free Methodist Church West Cornwall
Ref: Fal.Gen.(Your Gift Aid number - this will be sent to you when the below form has been processed)
Please fill in this gift aid form below before setting up your standing order and send it to the address below, to generate a Gift aid number to include in your payment ref.
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